Nipah Virus

Nipah Virus Symptoms and Treatment

Posted by - February 19, 2024

Introduction to Nipah Virus The Nipah virus, a zoonotic pathogen first identified in Malaysia in 1999, has since emerged as a significant threat to global health. With a mysterious origin and a complex transmission cycle involving bats and other animals, understanding this virus is crucial for effective prevention and control. Transmission and Spread Nipah virus

Zika Virus

Zika Virus: Symptoms and Treatment

Posted by - December 3, 2023

Introduction The Zika virus, a once obscure pathogen, burst into the global spotlight in recent years due to its rapid spread and potential severe consequences. This article delves into the origins, symptoms, transmission, and global impact of the Zika virus. The virus acquired its name from Uganda’s Ziika Forest, where it was initially identified in